15 maart 2016 ยท in Asia, Myanmar
Myeik, why?
A Long and Winding Road
A day in Dawei
Ye, Myanmar; Burma is still there!
The People of Ye
The Slow Train to Mawlamyine
Kippling, why only three days?
Assepoester (Cinderella)
The people of Mawlamyine
Bilu Kyun Island, headhunters island
Jheronimus was here
Nwa La Bo, a lot off fuzz about...
Hazy Lazy Day on the Salween River
A Cave is a Cave is a Cave
Hpa-An the capital of Kayin (Karen) state
Millions of bats out of a cave
The People of Hpa-An
Bye Bye Burma, but not for long
Yangon again
The People of Yangon
Rockets in the Sky
The Lisu of Keson
Daw Ta Ma Gyi, another world
Padaung of Charry Kon
Htay Ko and the Bishop
The People of Kayah State
The wrong beach
Pizza Pasta Pot
Keine Nutella
Sunday, April 3
Pathein and back to Yangon
Swedagon just one more time
Burmese Food
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